I haven’t joined in with Listography for a while but this weeks is a lovely one to ponder on. Which celebs would we like to go for a beer with? Well, I like my celeb mates to be more than just a pretty face, not that I’d shove Johny Depp off a barstool but he’d have to brush up on […]
Andrew Marr
A-Z of Me
After telling you 10 things you didn’t know about me a little while ago I didn’t think there was much more to tell but I’ve been tagged by not one but three of my fellow bloggers (thank you to Diary of a Lagos Mum, Mum 2 Baby Insomniac and Not My Year Off) to take part in Real Housewife […]
Listography – My 5 Guilty Pleasures
I was in two minds about taking part in this weeks Listography as Kate is asking for our guilty pleasures and as I have too many to list this one could be a toughy for me, not to mention the potential to lose all my readers when you realise how sad I am. Ok, let […]
So why Yellow Days?
Life with small children often seems like one long ‘To Do’ list. You feed and dress and wash and tidy and shop and entertain and cook. Not that any of these tasks are particularly arduous, it’s what we signed up for after all. It’s just that the list seems to expand to fill the available time leaving no […]