My 5 Guilty PleasuresI’ve been tagged by in a new meme by both the delicious Mother Venting and lovely Pudding Girl. They have kindly given me the Versatile Blogger Award so a big Thank You to both of them for that. It is a bit of a double-edged sword though as with this great accolade comes great responsibility. The rules are:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you (Done! Looking good so far)
- Share 7 things about yourself
- Pass the award on to some more bloggers
Over the last few weeks I’ve regaled you with lots of my innermost secrets. I’ve given you My 5 Guilty Pleasures, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me and The A-Z of Me and I really don’t think there’s much left to tell so I’m going to deviate a bit from the rules and give you 7 things that I wish were true about me but sadly aren’t:
- I wish I had travelled more before I had kids
- I wish I was more artistic
- I wish I was a good cook
- I wish I ran a coffee shop
- I wish I had one of those super clean and tidy houses
- I wish I read more books instead of watching TV
- I wish I had a proper vegetable garden and fruit trees rather than my little patch
So now I’m going to pass the Versatile Blogger mantel to the following lovely ladies:
puddinggirl says
The deviation to rules is cute!.. thanks!
Thanks for tagging me.
I feel your pain, sister. Sometimes the memes get a bit much – sometimes it feels like all I blog are memes. And yeah, you repeat yourself a lot too! But break the rules, why not. If you had a coffee shop I’d come and buy coffee from you (just one cup, make it last 4 hours and steal all your wifi)
Excellent, does that constitute adequate market research? I’m sure the bank would lend me the funds if they knew you’d come. You are famous after all!
Thanks for the tag honey, v honoured! Am churning it over now. Where do I pick up the badge? x