What a fab idea for a new meme from Boo and Me. The simple idea is that we each post a song in response to a prompt. This week’s is:
“A song that makes you want to get up and dance”
My first thought was something by The Prodigy but then I no longer have the stamina for that so instead I’ve gone for a song that takes me back to 1994 and drinking copious amounts of vodka and coke in an undergroud pub in my home town with my best friends. We made the DJ play this every week for months. I should point out I was very underage (I’m not quite that old!).
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaqeAABlH3Q?rel=0]
You can link up your own choice and see all the rest by clicking the badge.
Mammasaurus says
Where’s my hair brush?! I neeeed to sing!
Hairbrush, baby bottle, cucumber, whatever comes to hand!
LOL, those were the days! 🙂
I refrained from naming you to protect your good name my dear. Now everyone knows 😉
Oh yes! That’s another GG and Mummy classic dancearound moment!
Fun and only a PG rating. It’s a winner.
Ahhh – GREAT song. I *always* have to move to this one!
You just can’t help yourself.
Classic girls tune. I would love to see you hit the floor with The Prodigy though!
Mum of One and I were briefly visible shaking our thang to The Prodigy on the MTV footage of Glastonbury one year. Luckily I’ve never seen it since.
a classic, I’m going out tonight to get my grove on I think
Good plan! Have a dance for me.
Classic song that would defo get me moving although any song will get my up on the dance floor!! I’ve no shame. 😉
Ha ha, best way to be!
Great choice. And love your age disclaimer 🙂
It’s importnant to be clear about these things. Every year counts at my age!
I agree with Mammasaurus totally need the hairbrush mic for this tune!
A duet, fantastic 😉
whoop whoop! oh the awesomeness x
It doesn’t get much better.