There’s no denying I have to call T a toddler now. What happened to my tiny baby?
Please forgive my ridiculous encouraging mum voice. I really don’t speak like that under normal circumstances.
There’s no denying I have to call T a toddler now. What happened to my tiny baby?
Please forgive my ridiculous encouraging mum voice. I really don’t speak like that under normal circumstances.
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sarahmumof3 says
awww soooo cute!! Bless him
Thank you. A proud mummy moment. 😀
I blabbed like a mentalist when ronnie took his first steps, such a moment in time x
Oh that is just so lovely! To think my little man will be doing this soon! x
Awwww so so cute! There was a lot of screaming in our house when z took those first steps 🙂