You may know that as well as Yellow Days I’ve also got a little blog called Political Mummy which I’m essentially using to keep all my ranty political posts together. I don’t spend much time on it especially since going back to work. I’m seeing it more as a project to the future. But then last week I got an email that rather surprised me.
It was from Circle of Mums, a US parenting forum, saying that Political Mummy had been nominated in their ‘Top 25 Political Moms’ poll. My first thought was ‘Huh?’ quickly followed by the realisation that there probably aren’t that many of us so this wasn’t exactly cause for breaking out the champagne but hey, nice nonetheless, no?
I’ve been over today and have actually acquired enough votes to be in 17th place and I’m assured they are not all from my mum. So now I’ve gone from not really caring to desperately trying to ignore the urge to keep checking it. How did that happen?
So now I just have to ask very nicely if you’d think about clicking over here and giving me a vote. I’d be really grateful. The brilliant Dorky Mum is also in the running so do give her a vote while you’re over there too. It would be great if we two Brits could at least give the Americans a run for their money. There are a few other categories as well (like ‘Crafty Moms’ and ‘Moms with inspirational families’) if you want to vote for those or make your own nominations.
But I’m making a resolution: after this post I’m not going to check it again until the voting stops. I promise not to harass you for votes or obsess about where I’m ranked.
No really
I promise!
*Finds a dark room to lie down in until it’s all over*
Ruth says
Thanks for the mention 🙂 I didn’t realise we could vote for more than one blog at a time. I am giving you some votey love too. Not that I’m over there checking it much either. No, really…
Ha ha, thanks Ruth. Good luck!
Done. I’d completely forgotten you had another Blog, will check it out. I think the one thing that might get my wife into Blogging is Political Blogs as she is so interested, and very knowledgable, in it. You and Dorky Mum could be my saviours :o)
I’ve just found you in my spam folder. Sorry about that, I’ll be having a firm talk with wordpress. Thanks so much for voting and let us know if your wife ever dips a toe in the water.
Voted. The Yanks don’t like it up ’em.
Yes, many of them are quite vocal on that point. Thanks so much for voting.
Oooh well done! I have voted 🙂 x
Thanks Jess x
OMG you HAVE to win!! Either you or Ruth! If neither of you do, let’s declare war on America or summat. Or, just have a very large gin.
Am voting. Now.
Excellent, that’s just the sort or blind patriotism I’m looking for, thanks. x
Good luck! x