This week’s Listography is about our goals for April. Kate from Kate Takes 5, motivated by a little sibling rivalry, has decided to set herself five goals to achieve this month. When I started thinking about what goals I have at the moment it occurred to me that they are all about balance which fits rather nicely with my A to Z challenge as well. A double whammy, excellent!
Everybody is probably searching for a bit more balance in their lives but it’s particularly important for working parents. I’ve been back at work now since Christmas and everything has just about settled down into a routine, it’s just that that routine is pretty hectic at times. So what can I do in April to help maintain a bit of balance?
1 – Make the most of some time with the kids over Easter
As with all school holidays, Hubs and I will be covering the childcare over Easter with a combination of annual leave and holiday club and the week after the Easter bank holiday I’m at home with the boys for the whole week. While I was on maternity leave I tended to avoid planning stuff during school holidays as everywhere is always so busy but that’s not an option any more. I need to do my best to spend the week doing fun stuff so I’m going to plan some trips out and some activities for home so I don’t waste the week. I also will not keep checking my Blackberry, promise.
2 – Check the calendar and get organised
I know I’ve agreed to all manner of social activities, kids parties and blogging related stuff in April. I’m going to get the calendar and make sure I plan in enough time for a bit of everything. I will fit in a spa day, a trip to Cybher and The Tiger Who Came To Tea at the theatre without forgetting to buy two birthday presents for 4 year old boys or to pack E’s reading book for school. No I will, honest!
Every year it seems like such a chore to tidy up the garden, sort out some flowers, plant new vegetables and clean the kids toys so I end up putting it off for ages. I need to remember it really only takes a day, I feel so much better for having spent the day outside doing it and then of course we can use the garden for the rest of the summer.
4 – Concentrate on work at work
As much as I think about work at home I also think about the kids when I’m at work. That is not getting me anywhere! The boy are both wonderfully happy in nursery and preschool and if I’m distracted at work everything takes longer and I end up doing more work at home when I should be spending time with them. The need to work isn’t going to change any time soon so, frankly, I just need to buck up and get on with it.
5 – Make a blog plan and enjoy the A to Z Challenge
I need to get a bit more organised if I’m going to fit in blogging with everything else that’s going on. Up to now I’ve just posted when I’ve felt like it and tried to fit in reading and commenting in between and I think a bit more of a systematic approach would help. I’m also going to complete the A to Z Challenge but I’m not going to panic too much about it. If that means the odd day is just a photo then so be it. There’s no point in doing it if it’s not going to be fun.
I can do all that in a month, right? No problem. If you want to set your own goals you can link up to listography by clicking the badge and to find out more about the A-Z Challenge check out my A post.
Egg Image: Victor Habbick /
Laptop Image: thepathtraveler /
[Throughout April I’m taking part in the A to Z Challenge. This is my post for B. Yesterday I blogged about the challenge itself and tomorrow I’m tackling Celebrity Airbrushing.]
Good plan hon. Especially number 5. Plan your blog and blog your plan! And enjoy. I panicked a bit last night… but am holding it to together.
Enjoy the hols with the kids. x
At work I’m all about the planning. I think I need to put on my project manager hat when it comes to blogging as well. See you tomorrow for C. x
i so love your garden shot. Beautiful pink blossom. Hope you manage to get some work in your garden and that the weather holds up.
Im joining in with the A-Z challenge too, its the first time ive done one of these challenges so we will see how it goes.
Love the idea of The tiger who came to tea theatre trip. Wondering if there is anything near us like that my daughter loves that book x
Thank you, the weather’s not looking very hopeful today is it? I think the Tiger Who Came To Tea is touring so it may be somewhere near you soon.
Hey, you’re preaching to the chorus, girl! I have two young girls and keeping a balance between family time, work, and me time is very hard. Your plan sounds great and I wish you the best of luck. Remember to enjoy the ride, that’s the most important thing!
From Diary of a Writer in Progress. (#518)
Thanks Georgina, hope you’re enjoying it too.
I love the way you are actively seeking balance. I don’t think things magically fall into place unfortunately! Good luck with all your holiday outings. I am sure the boys will have loads of fun!
Thanks Claire, Let’s hope the plan works.
Hi there, that was a good post. I’m also trying to achieve a good balance in life between my work, play and the family. It’s difficult but can be done!
This is me, Duncan D. Horne, visiting you from the A-Z challenge, wishing you all the best throughout April and beyond.
Duncan In Kuantan
Thanks Duncan. 🙂
I’m having trouble with balance myself. I am a stay-at-home mom, but I still feel pulled in all sorts of directions. One of my resolutions for this year was to get organized, and I think it’s time I revisit it. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for commenting Janna and good luck getting organised.
So relate to this. I’m not really a ‘structured’ sort of blogger but am beginning to think I need to be to squeeze it all in!