It’s no secret that I am a big fan of my bed. I am so fond of sleeping that I read SleepTight Mouthpiece review often! Whether I’m curled up with a cup of tea and a book after a long day or snuggled in with the boys watching cartoons on a Sunday morning while Hubs and I try and sneak in a bit more of a doze, there is just no nicer place to be. But much as I love my bed I can’t help but be rather jealous of whoever wins this week’s competition prize, an amazing 4’6” 2 drawer divan bed from Carpetright complete with a Bedroom Bundle and a beautiful matching headboard. Now doesn’t that look inviting?
I was surprised to find out that Carpetright sold beds (but then I was surprised when I found out they sold lino, I’m a literal soul!) so I popped over to their website to check it out and now my bed has been a little upstaged. I’m yearning for one of their clever ottoman beds for all that storage or maybe a pretty Victorian style metal frame. It will be nice and new without any hole in air mattress. Shhh! Don’t tell Hubs…
The folks at Carpetright have spent a lot of time looking into our sleeping habits to make sure their range of beds has something for everyone and here’s what they’ve found out:
So which of these positions do you sleep in? If you’d like to be in with a chance of winning this fantastic prize then leave me a comment sharing the position and then record your entry in the rafflecopter widget along with any other entries you’d like to make. The give away will run until Monday 17th February 2014.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I usually lie on my side!
on back
I sleep curled up on my side, it’s so comfy!
the cosy family
I sleep on my belly and am hugging my pillow x
this is great
Always on my side
on my left hand side
on my tummy years ago i read if you lie on your stomach you lose an inch a year dont seem to work for me but i keep trying!
On my side xx
I usually just sleep on my side with an arm under the pillow. But when my partner is home (he works away quite a lot), we spoon :p x
on my side
i usually start on my side and end up on my back !
On my front.
all over the place
Curled up on my right side, facing outwards!
On my side!
On my side. I always used to sleep on my front but am now no longer able to
I start of the night spooning with hubby, then after about half an hour I am on my tummy hugging y pillow and taking up 3/4 of the bed…he he he
on my front ♥
on my side usually
On my right side. Just can’t seem to drop off on my left side
On my left side
Alternate throughout the night between my side and on my front.
5 times a month are you kidding 🙂
when my husband is home (he works nights) we spoon, but usually i end up with little one sharing my bed and a cat somewhere in between!
on my side, either one 🙂
Meant to add in the Foetus position
Couple spooning with my fiance!
on my side
i switch from lying on my back to my side.
I have problems sleeping and can only sleep on my front but I have to have a pillow beneath my stomach and my knee and one arm beneath my head pillow. This causes my arms to ache in the morning 🙁
i usually start on my back then change from one side to the other and then back on my back im like this all night tossing and turning
feotal,curled up
I love infographics, I love sleep. This is the BEST BLOG POST EVER! I’m a front sleeper 🙂
I lie on my front with my arms under my pillow.
I go to sleep on my right hand side but always wake up on my left…lol
not sure Im asleep 🙂 but start off in the fetal position
tossing and turning all night long trying to get a comfortable position for my back
Curled up on my left side.
I usually sleep with one arm against my partner while on one side. But it’s not a good sleep session without a leg out of the covers! I would do spooning but my belly gets in the way ;D
Good Luck everyone!
sleepless parenthood
On my side, legs tucked under. Keeps me all snugly and warm. Or snuggled up to my baby boy.
I sleep on my right side x
On my front
On my side mostly, but sometimes on my back. Whichever way I can get most comfortable really 🙂
i lie on my back and snore like mad
On my side
On my tummy … on my left side … on my right side …! 😉
I sleep on my sides, alternating all night!
This is an amazing competition, thanks very much for hosting x
on my front
I have trouble getting to sleep, the only way I can usually is by lying on my left side – toward the edge of the bed. Guaranteed every morning I wake up on my back though!
I always sleep on my side – interesting blog post & fab giveaway thanks 🙂
on my side
I have to sleep on my right side. I can;’t sleep on my back, front or left side due to lymphedema from a lymph node removal and other related surgery.
I used to sleep on my front with one arm under my head and the other by my side – I miss being truly comfy.
Foetal position on my left side, it was the best way to sleep when I was pregnant and now it’s the only way I can sleep 🙂
Don’t laugh too much, but flat on my back with my arms crossed over my chest!
On my side, as little spoon with my boyfriend 🙂
Foetus position with my arm under the pillow.
curled up on my side
On my front
My husband rotates as if he’s on a spit – is memory foam any good for him?
on my side
i’m a mover and a shaker, but i tend to sleep on my belly, face down.
Wendy Tibby Brown
Couple Spooning or with my leg over my other half.
I sleep on my left side
on my side, everytime 🙂
I always sleep on my side, arms under the pillow
Starfish … but only when I can get away with it!
spooning! And if one of us turns over – the other one does too! Mind you we’ve shared a bed for nearly 25 years!
All over the place…
On my right side
Fetus for me!
Ive just nodded off at the thought of this bed,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
lie on my sides
On my side,bottom leg out straight and top leg bent up to stop me rolling
thought of this bed is sending me to zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The ‘uncomplicated sleep position’ lol. I sleep alone, on my side and sometimes on my back.
I lie on my front
I usually lie on my left side
foetus position
The Cosy Family!!! or not so should i say lol xx
I start on my back, but end up in all sorts of positions!
Soldier on back’
I sleep spooning my other half, then we,l both turn to the opposite side and normally wake up facing each other again lol
I lay in the recovery position diagonally across the bed!
I sleep on my right side
On my stomack
On my side.
On my tummy to start then all over the place according to my hubby
Couple spooning..and my 6ft2 fiance is the little spoon everytime! haha
The Cosy Family so I’m usually perched on the edge of the bed.
left side
I’m a front sleeper
Flat on my back, and I rarely move all night
sprawled right in middle of the bed during the week when my husband is night shift and cuddled up at the weekend!
It varies.
Curled on my side.
Normally in the foetal position
On My Back – Flat Out For Me
on my side snuggled up
I sleep lying on my side usually.
On my front with my arm under my pillow
Mainly on my side, but on Sunday afternoons it’s sitting down on the sofa!
all positions!
start off on my side, if get no attention, move onto front and sleep lol 😉
I lie in the foetal position as my cat kept jumping on my chest!
I’m a right-sided sleeper
I fall asleep on my belly and wake up in fetal position 🙂
I sleep on my side with my hand under my pillow
I generally sleep on my stomach
Foetus – it’s most comfortable.
Always on my right side, can’t sleep any other way
I sleep on my side. No particular side. Just any side!
Under the covers
In the recovery position 🙂
My sleeping position changes all the time but lately I seem to be curled up on my side or on my laying on my front; it all depends on how comfortable I am. I’ve been told I fidget a lot throughout the night and end up in all sorts of sleeping positions all over the bed! I’ll often fall asleep laying on my right side but may be in a different position by morning.
With such a desirable prize I’m sure there will be a lot of entrants for this competition, so, along with everybody else, I shall be keeping my fingers crossed hoping for a little bit of luck to come my way.
I’m a fidget so during the night I go through every position
I don’t know the technical name for the way I sleep, so I will do my best to explain.
I sleep on my right hand side, right leg straight with my left leg pulled up as far as it will go. My arms are crossed over the top of my chest, so my right hand is over my left shoulder and my left hand over my right shoulder.
Weird huh?
curled up on my right side
On my side, stretched foetus
on my front
i sleep on my side
On my side
on my left side most of the time
on my left side
Foetal – on my side
On my side (either)
curled up on my side
curled up on my side!
on my side
On my side
I go to sleep laid on my back and I wake up curled up on my right side
On my back
I’m a bed fidget so its whatever position I can get comfortable in at the time.
Foetus – with a pillow to cuddle cos hubbie is too hot!
on my back
The Foetus Position
on my side
on my side
On the right unless he’s on nights when I morph into a sprawler 😉
I keep changing positions regularly and sleep badly as a result.
Love my bed!
Sleepless parenthood! currently 8 months pregnant and we also have a 3 year old
Usually the foetal position, occasionally the ballerina!
From side to side
foetal position,
Always the foetus position.
Usually spoons to start then hubby turns over so we end up back to back
on my side all curled up!
I lie on my side
I lie on my side
Curled up on my left side
I lie on my side kind of like in the recovery postition
I tend to fall asleep lying on my left side at the right side of the bed – but I can wake up in some very different positions!
Curled up on my side usually
On my side
on my front
left, right, back, I move around a lot
curled up on my side
Curled up on my side!
according to the hubby every i move a lot so prob front back and side
on my side x
I sleep on my side or on my front
On my back normlly
on my back
On my side!
On my side
On my front, and side.
I can’t keep still. I keep shifting around all over the place.
on my side
on my side
I always sleep on my tummy!
on my front
I lie on my side/belly with my legs in a 4 sort of position
I sleep in the comfortable together position
Left Side
On my front
The nearest one would be foetus!
on my side 🙂
Curled up on my side
curled up like a little mouse
I move around all night and wake up all sorts of strange positions.
Sleep on my side
On my right side so when 4 yr old daughter comes racing in at 6am wanting a cuddle, she doesn’t launch herself on my back or stomach!!
I sleep on my right side sometimes spooning
Curled up and facing out of the bed.
I sleep on my tummy with one leg pulled up
On my side
on my side
Couple spooning, sort of becuase I’m a front sleeper so I’m generally flat on the bed!
On my right hand side
On my left-hand side. 🙂
on my side facing the wall
On my side x
always on my front
usually on my front x
On my left side,on my right side, on my front, on my back, on my left side, on my right side, on my front,on my back, you get the idea!
curled up on my side in the fetal position lol, comfy 😀
comfortable together on our sides
I sleep flat on my stomach with my arms down at the side of me
I sleep on my right hand side
I lie on my tummy
I lie on my side
On my front in the recovery position!! 😀
on my left side
On my tummy 🙂
Curled up in the tightest way possible x
I sleep on my right side, curled up tightly
on my back
I start off couples spooning, then mix between foetus and soldier as I can never get comfy.
foetal position
separate beds, its the only way that we can both have some sleep
On my right side.
Spooning or face to face – proper cuddles!
On my left side….
I sort of sleep half on my side half on my front…regardless I am positive I would be comfy as a sleeping baby on this bed!
On my back
On my side, left and right. Thanks
on my side
I lay on my right side facing the wall to get to sleep, I usually wake up either on my back or still on my right side.
On My side, with one leg out of covers one hand resting on my leg the other had cuddling the pillow 😀 I’m weird x
i alway seem to wake up on my back but can only get to sleep in the foetal position 🙂
on my back
snuggling up to my wife
Flat out!
The first aid position – i.e one leg raised (not in the air!) and the other straight!
Couples Spooning for us!
On my belly with my arms under my pillow
Definitely “two in the bed and TWO little ones said…”!!! Our boys are always sneaking in and I don’t notice until I’m hanging off the side of our bed!
I sleep on my right
Start off in the foetal position, wake up star-fished with a ticked of bed buddy!
Always like face down.
on my back
I’m always curled up on my right side. Can’t sleep on my back or front at all.
I think Im a side sleeper, thats the position I usually fall asleep in. Some mornings if Im lucky enough to have had a good sleep I starfish while im waking up if my other half is already up.
On my side
I go to sleep on my side but always seem to end up on my tummy.
The faetal position!
I lie on my side or on my belly
On my side
On my front
I sleep on my front and side
I sleep on my side, but slightly to the front, with one arm under the pillow, and the other on top of the pillow!
all of them!
On my side
On my side
On my side.
On my side, one leg curled up, the other out straight, arm under pillow.
On my right side
The cosy family is us 🙂
Curled up on my side
on my back usually, covered in cats!
well I start off in a big bed however in the morning, normally three of us..
On my side, slightly curled up
soldier 🙂
On my stomach.
on my side
curled up on my side
Curled on my right
On my side
I curl up in ball.
in the foetus position
I thought I slept on my side and stayed there all night. But apparently my partner says I fidget, throw my legs everywhere, steal all the quilt, swim? and all sorts.
I sleep on my side with the duvet pulled right up over my ears.
On my side with a body pillow because I have a bad back with neuralgia and this is the best position I have found for myself at the moment
Toss and turn a lot
I sleep on my side and alternate between left and right ;o)
I normally sleep on my tummy but our mattress gas seen better days so now I just toss and turn lol!
Back to back
Normally a nice spoon,but if I am I’ll then it’s off to spare room for hubby
On my front with my hands under my pillows.
One way then another!
On my side
I prefer to lie on my right side!
like to sleep on either side
Curled up on my side in my partners arms – mmmm just lovely 🙂
I always sleep on my side 🙂
Always on my side
on my side doesnt matter which i turn about 100 times before i fall asleep
generally curled up on my side
On my side with the dog snuggled in at the back of my legs
My bed is so uncomfortable that I sleep
In all positions. I just turn on back and sides because my springs have gone. So a new bed would be much appreciated please. Thank you. XXX
Always on my side – usually back to back!
I sleep on my side, usually my right side 🙂
Haven’t got a clue I’m asleep
On my side
on my side
On my left side
on my back
Always on my side
on my side unles the cat is pawing at me
Curled up on my side
When my hubby’s there I lie on my side but when he’s on nights I starfish!!
on my right side
I sleep on my side
On my side or belly
curled up
If I can’t get to sleep I lie on my tummy and it always does the trick
Sleepless parenthood
Stretching the Imagination with a bit of Uncomplicated and the cat at the bottom of the bed.
on my side
I sleep on my left side curled up
on my side with 4 pillows
I sleep lying on my side.
on my back
layed on my right side curled up
I sleepon my side with my legs tucked up
on my back
Start out cuddling the other half, but sleep foetal.
On my side
I sleep in what i can only describe as the recovery position. x
on my side, facing the edge of the bed
On my side, cuddled up to my teddy bear!
on my side xx
Curled up on my left side
like a soldier!
Left hand side all night.
on my left side
Has to be the couple spooning for us 😉 though sometimes my OH is in the doghouse haha
Flat on my back
on my right side 🙂
it depends if its cold fetal if not i wrap myself up in the quilt lol
On my left side
I sleep curled up, usually on hubbys side!!
Sort of on my side and on my front! lol Generally by the morning I wake up on my back though!
The Cosy Family
On my side
I tend to sleep in the featal position, all curled up!
On my side
I sleep on my stomach
The Cosy Family
Lots of them I’m a wriggler!
All over the place!
I lie on my stomach
different beds!
On my back
Right Side every night! that much that its uncomfortable on the other arm and aches lol
Foetus position
Would love this for my bad back
I sleep curled up on my side
Would be nice to get a decent nights sleep.
on my side, hands tucked under the pillows
Usually on my stomach but I cant at the minute as I’m nearly 6 months pregnant 🙂
Foetus position
Flat on my back
On my front but I always wake up on my left side
On my side.
On my side
I usually sleep on my front however due to a massive baby bump i am currently sleeping on my side 🙂
I move around but settle on my back!x
in the foetus position
On my back, arms around my head.
I have no idea! Pretty much however I fall asleep, I think – and I could fall asleep standing up!
I’m single nowadays so get to spread out! Great prize.
On my side mainly.
I sleep on my left side as this best prevents painful acid reflux waking me in the middle of the night!
Anyway I fancy
On my front 🙂
Fetal – like a baby!
I sleep on my side.
It takes me ages to get comfy but I think I sleep on my side.
Laura x
I sleep on my side
On me face!
I start off on my front and then end up all over the place
Either on my side or on my front
I usually lie on my side.
on my side
Foetus, most comfy 🙂
on my side
I lie like a frog
curled up on my side
the cosy family
I generally sleep on my front.
At the moment I’m pregnant so whichever position I can get comfortable in!
On my back, normally with a sleepy 2 year old cuddled into me 🙂
no regular position, can never get comfy and cause of that dont sleep well at all
Sleepless parenthood 🙂
Sleeping soldier is me to a T
On my side.
On my back
I sleep in the foetal position much to the fellas annoyance as he says my knees dig into him x
From 11 til around 2 am on my side
From around 2am onwards the position known as – Child’s foot/arm/elbow in face position 😉
sleepless parenthood – with 3 kids who have weird sleep patterns, i’m always poised to get up
Foetus position
I sleep hugging my pillow and booting my husband out on to the floor 😀
Foetus curl on the my right side
i am a wriggler, i start off on my back, end up on my front , wake up and go back to sleep on my side, lol, i think i need a new bed, so fingers crossed xx
On my back
i sleep kind of on my side but more over so half on my side and part on my front. my partner says to see my sleep position think spiderman climbing a wall and thats what i look like
I sleep on my front with my hands tucked in underneath me.
On my front with hands under pillow.
On my side
On my right hand side
on my side
On my side!
Curled up on my left side normally x
Flat out on my back, apparently I like a good snore!
I always sleep on my side, I start on my left and then turn to the right
On my back and right side
On my back
I fidget all night i start on my left but i toss and turn all night after so many wake ups from everyone coming and going with various shifts
On my right side
Curled up, on my right side
Couple spooning ! 🙂
Sleepless parenthood
On my front
on my front
On my tummy, hugging my pillow!
On my side 🙂
I sleep upside down???
on my front
On my Side
On my side
curled up on my side
sleep on my side with legs hanging out of the bed
I alternate on each side as my shoulders go ‘dead’ -if they didn’t I would be a right side sleeper.
on my right side is always more comfortable
on my right side curled up
on my rightside to start then onto my leftside.It varies if my partner is visiting.
I sleep on my back because I don’t want wrinkles 🙂
Always sleep on my back
I lie on my right side with my feet against my other half
In the fetal position on the side even tho I have the bed to myself can’t sleep in the middle
On my front
On my tummy with my arm curled under my head, and my husband sleeps on his side….but we do start off cuddling.
On my left side
Couple spooning
On my right side
“Soldier” on my back.
On my side, other I snore!
on my side
The Cosy Family
on my side
on my left side
I sleep on the right side of the bed, by the door, in case we get burglers…or so the wife says!
On my side
foetus position
on my front/side.
I sleep on my side, I have to have the window open whatever the weather is like and I can’t tolerate bedclothes on my legs!
On my right hand side
I have to sleep at an angle due to a medical condition and wake up with lots of aches and pains
On my side gripping onto the covers so that my o/h can’t pinch them :p
Spooning couple
On my side – straight as a dye
The cosy family, my smallest is the only cosy one though I think! Lol
Normally i sleep on my left side curled up
My baby and i
i sleep all over the place 🙂
On my front.
upside down
Curled up on my right side on the edge of the bed x
On side.
l tend to lie on my back
Usually on my side
On my back
On my left side
on my stomach unless i’m pregnant!
I sleep in the foetus position all the time, I cant sleep any other way.
Fingers crossed on winning the bed, its been a long time since I got a new one
in my house your lucky if you get a side
recovery position
On my side
Couple spooning
Comfortable together xx
On my right side 🙂
Any which way I can 🙂
I sleep on my left-hand side
On my right side mostly but sometimes my stomach
The cosy family 😉 xx
I sleep on my side, who can sleep on their back?!
Couple spooning.
On my right side
The cosy family
foetus position
usually on my left side sometimes on my front as well
the cosy family!
Currently foetus and soldier, and as a mother of a toddler already, the amount of sleep I get is minimal so would be lovely to REALLY enjoy the sleep I DO get, in a wonderful new bed 😉 x
On my right side.
Normally on my left side unless the little one comes wandering in then it’s wherever I can find a bit if space!!! X
nearly always curled up on my side
Every position possible!!! Throughout the night lol
On my left side with my right leg over the cover and left arm under the pillow
The cosy family
I start off as Foetus but always end up like Soldier!
On my right side
Couple spooning
On my side .. Foetus position
On my side.
On my back, so i don’t get face creases :/
Two in the bed and the little one said…
On my side.
Start by sleeping on my side with my palm under my cheek & usually end up sleeping on my front with my back killing me!
i sleep in the feotal position but most nights roll over onto my back; then i wake up in agany due to back ache
On my back, on either side, curled up and stretched out, I sleep anyhow.
Couple spooning <3
I sleep on my left side
Curled up like a little baby lamb!
I sleep in the foetus position
On my side
I used to sleep flat on my back, completely still, all night! Then, one day, I suffered a back spasm and was stuck like it, in excruciating pain, for six hours!! Since then, I’ve tried to alternate a bit!
On my side
I fidget – my poor husband!
Foetus and Soldior is the most accurate for our house! I was laughing at all of the descriptions though – they are all so true! I know when i was pregnant me and my Hubby were definitely more likely to be in the ‘Freefall’ position as i barely slept between 6-9 months pregnancy and his snoring and just breathing (hehe) was enough to drive me mad (i blame the hormones)! Now with a toddler ruling the roost i am still not the deepest sleeper but at least me and the other half are back in the same bed!
Foetus position
On my stomach
Like a starfish taking up half the bed haha 🙂 my fiancé steals the covers though so we are even xxx
On my right side or back
I tend to sleep on my back x
Face down
I sleep on my right side in the foetal position
Got to be starfish!!
Foetus Position
I lie in the recovery position, don’t ask me why.
On my right side
On my back. I missed that position during pregnancy!
I always sleep on my side facing away from my husband…. I can’t stand him breathing over me lol
on my front close to the recovery position
on my side
I sleep on my side.
Foetus most often
I always sleep on my left side in the middle of the bed,as i always shuffle about.My partner said 🙂
On my front, hugging my pillows x
i sleep on my side on the left hand side of the bed. Not because i prefer the left side but because the missus will only sleep on the right!! 🙂
A cross between foetus and recovery position
On my front.
The cosy family
On my left side,so i usually wake up with a sore shoulder and hip.
On my side with husband beside me and cat on top of me, usually
Belly down foetus
On my back with my hands underneath my pillow!
on my side
on my side or on the sofa if he’s snoring too much
Usually on my side 🙂
I sleep laid on my front which was ok until I was pregnant!!! But certainly the most comfortable place for me.
always on my side!
The cosy family….I vaguely remember sleep!
Comfortable Together!!!
I toss and turn all night long, from side to side.
on my side
On my side
always lay on the righthand side position,why i don’t know.
I sleep in the Foetus position
on my front 🙂
this is great
Always on my right side, right arm up
I always sleep in the foetus position personally! Or, that’s how I fall asleep anyway!
On my side, with one leg bent up
on my right side cuddled up to hubby’s back (I think they call it “Spooning”) 😀 xxx
I start off on my side but apparently thrash around a lot and usually end up with the duvet twisted around me and my partner in the spare room!
Curled up in the foetus position
Always falling asleep on my side.
On my right side with knees bent
Curled up on my side- always!
Curled up in the foetus position
I don’t know, I’m sleeping at the time.
I’ve always slept on my back
On my side x
On my side
Flora position I spread all over the bed
Curled up in the foetal position
On my left side.
I sleep in foetus.
Foetus and solidier
Two in the bed and the little one said…..
none of those – me and my hubby sleep back to back =]
On my back most days.
star fish 🙂
left side
In a good bed like this I can sleep in any position
I’m a soldier
on my side avoiding the lumps and bumps
start on my back and end up in foetal position
On my side
on my side, wrapped in duvet x
On my front
flat on my back
On my tummy 🙂
Foetus position
on my side snuggled under the duvet with my back to the other half while he snuggles me.
the spoon position with hubby behind me
on my front/side with on leg straight and one leg bent out the covers.. one arm under my head the other snuggling the duvet up. 🙂
Curled up and stealing all of the duvet! x
Flora mostly!
lie on my side
I sleep in the foetus position – have never grown out of it , even though I’ve lived with my boyfriend for 2 years now.
On my side with my legs curled up
On my right side, sprawled over my hubby 😀
Curled up on my left side
All curled up on my right hand side
i sleep clinging on the edge of the bed, coz my 4 year old gate crashes my double bed every night. if i win. we would have two doubles – problem solved!! 😀
on the left side
husband works nights so I starfish!!!!
on my side
i go to sleep in foetal position but wake up in soldier position
i lie on my right side
On my side.
couple spooning or if hubby on nights on my left side
I definitely sleep like a big ‘ol baby in the foetus position! xx
The Cosy Family
The lovers knot or spooning couple … both lovely & cosy!
foetal position on my left hand side
Foetal position on my right
couple spooning
on my side
On my tummy
On my side
Starfish! 🙂 x
on my left side
I vary between my back and my side
Foetus position
I sleep curled up on my side 🙂
I sleep mainly in the foetus position but as I live alone I do have a tendency to be the little one in the bed lol
On my side
“Comfortable together” I’m usually the one facing the outside!!
On my side but I move around.
Recovery Position.
left side curled up
I sleep on my side. One a week my partner sleeps on the sofa to give me a break from his snoring!
I sleep on my belly
All over the place – the bed is in a mess when I wake up
On my front or side
I’m all over the place, back, left side, right side.
comfortable together
start off spooning then within 5 minutes after hubby annoys me i end up on my front on edge of bed lol
On my side, constantly swithching from one side to the other!
On my side
Always on my side, I get a back ache when I sleep on my back.
my side
On my right side
I sleep on my stomach
On my front
every position but never on my front 🙂
spooning couple
On my back xxx
Id love that lush bed! I hav ereally bad nexk and back ache so would love a comfy bed
FREEFALL (Although I’d call it free for all when the grandkids come to srtay) LOL
my partners says im such a fi git its because im never comfortable I start on my side then my back I can not tell you how many different type of pillows we haave tried but a mattress is so expensive you can not afford to get it wrong ours is getting to the end of its life I think
The cosy family
I tend to change my position depending in a few things.. if im cold ill sleep in the foetus position.. if im warm ill sleep on my side with one leg sticking out the cover. im also known to sleep flat on my back with my arms up abpve my head, and also flat on my stomach with my arms under me…
Right side, left side, back, front, one leg dangling out …… I’m a restless sleeper 🙂
On my front
Usually on my side
It varies sometimes i wake on my side somoetimes on my back
On my front
the cosy family most of the time but if im lucky and get bed to myself i sleep on my tummy
Couple spooning 🙂
Curled in a tight ball
On my side on the edge of the bed – my dogs have the rest
the cosy family – but with the dog!
I fall asleep on my right side but move back and forth a lot all night
On my tummy 🙂
On my side
I sleep on my side ‘spooning’ my husband!
On my tummy whilst snuggling a pillow!
I always sleep on my side.
I really don’t know. I fidget so much I tend to fall asleep in a really strange crooked position.
I sleep in the fetal position…awww lol
on my front
Curled up on my right side 🙂
im such a fidget so i do all of the above lol my bed is probably part of the problem and the 1 above looks so lush and comfy i would so love to win the i would sleep peacefully
On my side
Couple Spooning!
On my front
The foetus!
curled up on my right hand side hugging my pillow with the covers up over my head and only my face peeping out!
On my right hand side, curled up but as I nod off, I turn onto my back
I sleep on my side 🙂
Comfortable together 🙂
On my left hand side x
On my side, waiting for little girl to shout out in the morning whilst watching / feeling baby number 2 kicking away inside me! Not so much sleeping…!
i lay on my stomach 🙂 xx
Back, side, back, (Tho’ I get prodded due to my snoring!) Tummy, leg bent, foetal= whatever works! Sleep and I are strangers lately!
Under the Covers
centre of the bed – on my right hand side
I drop off best on my side
On my side and my hands have pins and needles in the morning
On my side with my arm under the pillow 🙂
Always on my side with the duvet up to my chin 🙂
on my stomach
curled up on the edge of the bed
I sleep mostly on my side
I always sleep on my side
On my side 🙂
I sleep in the recovery position, which is rather apt.
Couple spooning
foetal usually
Couple spooning
Couple Spooning – when not in the dog house!
I start off in the recovery position lol! But I tend to wriggle around all night, on my back, on my stomach, always ending up back in the recovery position!
I usually start off on my side, but then at some point during the night I end up on my front
usually on my side with my son snuggled into me !
On my side
foetal position
fetus x
On my side!
on my side
The Cosy Family
Curled upon my side x
I sleep like a starfish whilst my partner clings on to the side of the bed
on my side xx
I sleep in foetus position x
Couple Spooning until he snores and then I get him to turn over.
right, left, back and front until i’m kicked out onto the couch x
Curled up in a foetal position!!!
I sleep curled up in a ball with the covers pulled so tight around me only my head is showing!!! My husband thinks its hilarious
i am a face down pillow hugger
Foetus x
on my stomach 🙂
On my side with my arm under my head 🙂
Couple spooning
I tend to sleep on my tummy, with one leg bent 🙂
on my side
Curled up on about a third of the bed while my wife sprawls out! 🙂
Mostly on my left side!
I sleep on my right side facing away from my partner and he faces away from me as he snores, haha
on my left side but have trouble sleeping due to my horible bed would love to try your matress
Comfortable Together
On my side 🙂
We always ‘spoon’ – we go to sleep in that position and always wake up in that position too!
on my side
My tummy but my back ends up aching :/
I cover all positions except the ones that require another person 🙁
On my side!
I tend to sleep in the ‘uncomplicated’ position but with my legs crossed lol.
Would absolutely love this prize, my mattress is like 7 years old & has springs poking through all over lol.
Fingers crossed & good luck all!
On my stomach – no pillow either!
On my side facing to the left
on my side 🙂
couple spooning
Foetus for me
Foetus position
usually side
always on my side x
I sleep curled up on my side with my cat Ollie snuggled up with me.
Mostly on my side.
on my tummy x
On my side
On my front. To try and avoid snoring!
I sleep in the foetus position, alone and hugging my teddy bear.
On my back, but im not a great sleeper at all now.x
On my side
on my front!
On my left hand side snuggled up to my husband