You may remember I wrote about Education Quizzes a while ago. It’s a site aimed at school children of all ages with a huge range of multiple choice quizzes. It’s written by teachers, covering all school subjects (plus a few you wouldn’t expect). There are also a selection of 11+ quizzes and worked examples. They have obviously […]
Help Children Resolve Friendship Problems
It can be really distressing to see your child struggle with friendship difficulties, particularly younger children who are not so adept at expressing their feelings and understanding the motivations of others. Encouraging them to talk about their experiences and interactions can be a big step towards them developing the skills they will need to manage friendships […]
Date Night Essentials for Parents
You can pretty much guarantee that parenthood leaves most people with less time and money to spend on themselves and their relationship. I’ve long accepted that nights of evening dress and canapes are now off the menu but that doesn’t mean giving up on romantic evenings all together. With a bit of planning you can […]
Nutmeg – A new approach to investment
When the boys were born we opened a ‘Child Trust Fund’ for them, basically a savings account that earns tax free interest and the balance is locked away until they’re 18. When V was born just before Christmas I started looking for something similar but I found they are no longer available and I couldn’t […]
Laundry: Tame that pile today
One thing I hadn’t prepared myself for when I became a parent was the amount of laundry that seem to appear from nowhere. Not to worry, I thought to myself, once I’m past that ‘baby vomit and pureed veg on everything’ stage there won’t be so much but seven years into parenthood it still hasn’t […]
Top Tips for Bedtime Routines
I’m a fan of routines. I know they aren’t for everyone but I’ve always found life just runs more smoothly when everyone knows what’s happening when. This has proven even more true since having kids and in one area in particular absolutely invaluable. Even if you’ve got fun curtains and themed bed frames, bedtimes can […]