They say that your bedroom should be a Sanctuary. It should be a haven of tranquility reserved only for relaxation and romance. There should be no TV, no piles of clothes and no kid’s stuff. Is that even possible when you have kids?
I’m writing this in my bed with half an eye on an episode of Alphas on the TV in the corner. My bed is full of biscuit crumbs dropped by E. Long gone are the crisp white bedclothes in favour of cheap duvet covers that i don’t mind being covered in anything from vomit to jam. Propped on the end of the bed are the V pillow I use to keep T upright while I feed him his breakfast in the mornings and a handful of his toys that rustle and jingle and start playing their tunes when I turn over in my sleep.
My bedside table does not play host to some flowers, an intellectually challenging paperback or a tasteful photo of me and Hubs. In reality it has two baby monitors, half a dozen of E’s stickers that I’ve peeled from the bed head, a red toy sports car and a mini Ben and Holly book. The floor has a row of cars, trains and planes which E has left lined up ready for a race in the morning. Tomorrow I know I will shout at least once before I’ve finished my first cup of tea ‘This is my bed, not a trampoline’.
It’s not a sanctuary, it’s chaos, but luckily I’ve got used to it and our bed is big enough for the four of us because I don’t think this is likely to change for a while.
My bedroom is not a sanctuary either! Nothing matches, we need new blackout curtains because the security light keeps waking me up whenever a random fox wanders past and its currently full of wrapped presents for all the children’s birthday parties we are invited to over the next couple of weeks. There’s no room for me, so I just keep a path clear from the door to the bed. As long as I can get in there, I don’t care about the rest! Polly
I think it’s common to all parents. Maybe we should try reclaiming our rooms?
I wish. It’s a dumping ground for various buts of furniture whilst we do up the house. The bed can just about accommodate 3 extra kids a couple of cats, various soft toys, a few books and water beakers! When it ends up like that I’m on my own in the eldest bed.
If E had a bigger bed I’d be doing the same!
This really made me laugh!! My bedroom is half bedroom, half playroom! My bedside table is covered in Lego, any ornaments are on the floor as I have now given up picking them up! Still I only sleep in there so at the moment I don’t mind. Would be nice to have a little boudoir though…
One day….
Really identify with this. My bedroom has a microwave in it! Reason being that there are two flights of stairs to get to the kitchen so, I just have it next to the bed for the wailing 5.30am milk requests. I know it seems like something out of ‘Shameless’ but it’s honestly the only way. Oh, and sitting next to it is a toy farm – and sticker books.