As part of a sponsored post for Collective Bias® I made the best Apple Cakes with E at the weekend.
I’d been asked to make something using Flora Cuisine, a healthier alternative to butter that’s particularly useful for baking, so I headed over to their website for some ideas. I was really impressed by the variety of recipes they had on there.
Doesn’t this Banana Fudge Cake look yummy? In the end though E persuaded me we should make apple cakes together so I dutifully headed of to our local Sainsbury’s to track down some Flora Cuisine which I quickly found along with the butters and spreads. You can find my full photo story here.
The recipe was very straight forward and only had a few ingredients:
115ml Flora Cuisine
115g self raising flour
115g light brown sugar
2 eggs
2tsp ground cinnamon
2 desert apples peeled and chopped
And the method couldn’t be simpler either, just combine all the ingredients in a large bowl, spoon into cupcake cases and bake for 10-12 minutes at 170°c (fan oven). I added some almond buttercream I made by just adding a teaspoon of almond essence to a normal batch of buttercream.
They turned out really well and E was glad to have been able to do most of it himself. What do you think? Pretty hey?
I think
On eof them would go down lovely with my morning coffee!
I may have managed more than one Becky! 😉
These look absolutely delicious !
Would probably work a treat with apricots for Summer … if it ever comes 😉
Absolutley! Blueberries might be nice too.
YUMMO! Now I have a microwave combination oven I can bake – and with children that like apples this is going on my shopping list for next week! Will let you know how I get on!
Oooh they look good 🙂