Our latest giveaway is the gorgeous ‘Big Book Of Christmas Decorations To Cut Fold & Stick’. It’s packed full of beautifully designed festive papers for you to cut out and make into all manner of Christmas decorations from paper-chains to snowflakes.
This is just the thing to keep your kids occupied between school breaking up and the big day itself and as an added bonus you’ll have a mountain of lovely decorations to get the house looking its most festive.
If you’d like to be in with a chance of winning this great book then simply leave me a comment sharing when you put up your Christmas decorations and then record your entry in the Rafflecopter widget below along with any additional entries. The giveaway will run until Saturday 14th December 2013.
middle of dec after my sons bday
we put them up 1st of december
Usually around the 12th
1st December ๐
First week in December x
About 2 weekends before christmas.
im hoping to put mine up this week bit early but its mainly because my daughter is off work for a few days and can help me
usually just after my sons birthday which is 9th december
1st Dec ๐
I put it up on the night of 30 nov so it was all ready for morning when my daughter got up
1st December
They went up on the 30th Nov this year (usually the 1st Dec though)
1 December
We put them up on Saturday!
1st of December as thats when the kids start the countdown to xmas with their advent calendars ๐
Around the 12th of December and take them down around 6th January
Middle of the month around 7-10 days before Christmas Day
1st nov
oooppps 1st Dec lol
1st December, every year
Second or third week in December.
usually the first of December but were late with it this year
This year it will be 14 Dec when all the kids are home, but will probably carry on until the big day itself depending on how many other things we find on dog walks (fallen branches, leaves and other “look mummy” items)!
Quoite late in December usually but no set date.
Usually the 2nd weekend in December
first weekend in december
Usually 2nd ish week in deceomber (depending when we have the time and have dug them out!). x
Usually the a week or so before Christmas. This year it’ll be the weekend of the 14/15th.
1st dec
December 1st
1st December
usually the 1st, but our car broke down this year so it’ll be next weekend
End of November
After Thanksgiving day!
First of december!
Not until the middle of December.
normally the 1st december but we’re late this year, it will probably be this weekend
usually the weekend after my birthday om 5th so birthday aren’t outshone ๐
We started on the 1st. December
December 7th this year
1st December
8th December, it’s tradition in my family
1st december
no set date or time – but this year will probably do it this weekend!
Usually on the 1st December but we’re a little late, it will be by the end of the week!
Whenever I get chance with the kids ๐
Around about two weeks before.
Last Sunday of advent for us
We wait until 2-3 weeks before xmas.
On my birthday usually 13th – family tradition set by mum late parents
Probably next weekend, but I still find that quite early
15 days before
Mine are up, we usually do it the 1st weekend of December ๐
The 1st of december ๐
My mum is having an operation next week, and this book would be perfect to keep her busy while she is recovering!
Our Christmas decs don’t go up until the week of Christmas, otherwise the pine needles go all over the floor by Christmas day!
first weekend in December
We put them up during the first weekend of December, so theres lots of time to enjoy them
1st December
Uaually the 1st weekend in December. x
The first weekend in December to make the most of them! x
We put them up after the first of December, usually within 3-4 days ๐ x
1st December
The Christmas fairies put ours up on the night of the 30th November when they also help Ben elf find our house with advent calendars
The first weekend of December ๐
About 8 days before Christmas
second week of December
First weekend in December!
Normally beginning of December but this year it was about the third week of November! I really want to embrace Christmas this year.
1st December
At the start of December
The first weekend of December
A week or so before christmas
A couple of weeks before christmas ๐
Normally the first weekend of december but this year was a little bit later
Whenever I get round to it, usually a week before Christmas Eve. x
1st December
A couple of weeks before christmas
A weekend into december
Early December
The first week of December
About a week before Christmas
Decorations up around 18th of December
Usually round about 13th December ๐
10 days before the big day.
beginning of december normally – we’re a bit late this year
15 December
first week in December
first weekend of december
Putting them up tomorrow afternoon. Grannies for the kids in the morning so me and hubby can do a proper tidy, clearout and clean before the tree in the afternoon. ๐
Normally on December 1st or the first weekend in December.
Mine were up in the first week of December this year ๐ x
the first saturday in december ๐
Normally around the 15th, but this year they went up in the first week of December to placate a small complaining child!
a couple of weeks before christmas
I don’t have a set date when I put them up but usually a week or two before Christmas. Mine will go up tomorrow after I’ve had a good clean first.
usually a couple of weekends before christmas ๐
10-14 of December ๐
a couple of weeks before Christmas
the first weekend in December.